Z Admin Sort
Various notes and ideas to Sort.
( ) Create checklist of the points for the facilitator intro.- How to. the main points to cover and why.
( ) try to have the participants come prepared by having seen the How to video
( ) Gage how well prepared the participants are.
( ) you can show the how to video
( ) you can show the how to slide show.
( ) Comments for the final Session
How to continue learning and growing?
Take the Facilitator training
Take the Facilitator training a few times - learn to give the training. you will be given parts to present
Hold Empathy Circles
Host the training with others.
Join the design team
Sections to work on
( ) 1. Values of COE
( ) flesh out the values
( ) create a slide show
( ) create an intro video
( ) Word Cloud, what values are important to you.
( ) Create clear Sections to make it easy for Train the trainers to facilitate a section
( ) Create Reminder - Be sure to show up.
( ) Create FAQ
( ) What about Confidentiality?
( ) How to bring people into the empathy circle?
ie how to motivate, get the word out, market.
( ) Challenges.?
( ) round of check ins
( ) round of check in on what is a challenge you have had or imagine?
( ) how to harvest and organize the challenges?
( ) Create an intro video on the challenges
Create Text: The Importance of Attendance
We have a specific number of people in the course since we have a 1 trainer to 3 participant ratio. If you do not attend it makes a group smaller and throws off the timings.
We know emergencies come up, and have understanding for that.
We ask in advace if you can make all the Sessions. We have wait lists for all the cohorts, so you take a spot that someone else could have had.
Session 2: Setup Discussion: and Train the trainers
Create a Poll: Ideas. What are ideas you have of interesting Polls to have in the Session.
Adding Assignments: Write U one Facilitation Challenge
For the next session, write up one or more facilitation challenges that you have had or you imagine having. Share it at the beginning of the next Session. send email
Adding Assignments: For last Write up and share a final Testimonial
Set the Last Session Topics:
What do you see as the benefits of this Training?
What do you see as the benefits of this Training?
Poll: What is the VALUE of the Training?
Cost: What is the value of the training? what is the cost?
NVC training is expensive
need some financial foundation for growth
A Poll: What value do you think it is worth?
0 to $50
$50 to $100
$100 to $200
$200 to $300
$300 or $400
$400 or more.
VLE - volunteer living expenses
where does the $ come from?
Wealthy donors
more expectation of the participants.
Free initial training
specialized trainings schools
What is a poll question?
Value of Training
what value to you think of this training?
Participant says - I like homework
1. Weekly Empathy Buddy Call
2. Fill Out Session Surveys
3. Write up and share a final Testimonial
we need it in writing and a recording.
4. Write Up one Facilitation Challenge - that you have had or imagine you may have.
between second and third Session
it is your challenge to write up and some ways to address it as a facilitator.
5. What is a favorite value. Write up a short paragraph?
do after the first session.
create a word cloud
( ) Admin Discuss
( ) How to set up a train the trainers training.
take the training a few times
need to have facilitated empathy circles
( ) Create Some Polls - for insight and engagement.
what questions?
( )
Training Comparisons
Hey Edwin,
I really liked the practicalness of the training you organized.
You have elements that karo and mart didnt have that are super helpful.
Its a bit fuzzy now, but I remember thinking that i liked the following elements in your training vids that were not in karo and martas training
1. Practicing the intros together
2. Having 2 cafes where everyone got to practice facilitating with scenarios of varying difficulty.
What works well with Karo & Martas training is
1. They just get new facilitator's to come and facilitate at an existing empathy circle event , and invite the new facilitator into an existing group debrief, event before they facilitate. And the give and get feedback at the end of an empathy circle they've facilitated.
So more ongoing live involvement.
Hope that helps. But I'm guessing that's not completely new Info to you.
Yes its be up for facilitating training for facilitators in Australia with sue a n d leona.
Still need to understand what it takes in the back end to organize trainings. As promotions took a lot of arduous work for the empathy cafes with less results than expected.
Some training Session 4 Design thoughts
1. at the end of the 4 sessions, how might we record testimonials about the Course? It will help with the promotion. perhaps.
- participants have 5 minutes to write out their responses to their thoughts on the training. (so we have a written versions)
- then they verbally share it at the end. Have 1 minute. We can make individual video clips of this for promotion.
- ?? other ideas.
2. What are the ideas for the Final Session 4?
Is it the same as session 3 or do you have other ideas.
3. Have a section for next steps.
For example, how to
- Join the design team. Design the Training MOOC.
A review of the training MOOC we are working on.
- Sign up for Module 2:
Your Training Progression and Path.
1. Start of by taking part in some empathy circles.
2. Take Module 1, the Introdcution to facilitating Empathy Circles
3. Hold and Facilate Empathy Circle
4. Take Module 2, the Introdcution to facilitating Empathy Circles
5.Take Module 3,
6.Take Module 4, Empathy Circles for conflict resolution
7. Learn to train Empathy Circle Faciliaitor
7. Train Empathy Circle Faciliaitons
8. Help Design the Trainings
Designing the Empathy Circle Training
Comments by Timothy
Fall in love with each other. The bonds connection, belonging, support
How to build on this.
People were so sad, in the last meeting that the training was over.
It is important for feeling - the training gives space for that.
The need of friendships, team, family,
Build it into the team.
Sadness something that was met. What are the needs that were met.
Hope, family, a family of affinity.
Build ongoing lifetime family - building a network of care, friendships.
Build toward lifelong family,
As part of the design include the intention for lifelong community
How to do this?
What is the lifelong design for this.
What are the next steps that you can create.
Time to hang out. -
Concept of brain integration. Healing from trauma and brain fragmentation.
Get healing support
Brains need time to heal from trauma.
What are the strategies - what action is next.?
Given all the needs we have heard, what ideas are emerging for creative.
What group actions could we all take to fulfill these needs.
What are the Agreements for taking part in the course?
Show it to Timothy.
Clear key agreements
Legal language - you will
There is no expectation