09.04 Trainers1

SUBJECT: Cohort 9 Empathy Circle Trainers and Trainees Preparation

Hi Trainers and Trainees

Here are some things you can do to prepare for the training.

See the Train the Trainers Description Page

This is still a work in Progress. Make notes as you go along to share about how we can improved the process.

Cohort 9: http://bit.ly/SignUpCohort9

We always use Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/9896109339


Remember we meet 30 minutes before for a Pre Session and stay up to 30 minutes after for a Debrief Session. 

In the Pre Session we review Session Trainers Scripts. 

Trainers and Trainees meet 30 min before the Session begins to review the Session Scripts.  They decide which sections will be facilitated by which trainer/trainee. They discuss any other issues, etc. Here are links to the scripts.

Review the Course Website. https://bit.ly/ECCOURSE

You can just get familiar with the different pages.

Our Cohort Trainer/ee Contact Info

(x) Producer: Edwin Rutsch  - EdwinRutsch@gmail.com - SF Bay Area, CA

Let me know if you have questions, 

See you there. 

