5.6 Congrat.
Subject: Congratulations to Everyone for Finishing the Cohort 5: Empathy Circle Facilitation Training.
Congratulations to Everyone for Finishing the Empathy Circle Facilitation Training.
It's been a delight for us to connect with you, hold the training and spread the culture of empathy.
The Cohort Website is at
The course outline and videos are accessible here for a while.
Email me if you have ideas for collaboration.
Some Next Steps
1. Donations to Support the Trainings
The trainers are donating their time because they want to contribute to building a culture of empathy and spread the Empathy Circle practice as widely as possible. We know that if this vision and practice is widely spread, it will nurture greater well-being in the world. If you would like to contribute to supporting this work, you can make a donation by going to this new Facebook fundraiser, "Help Design and Host a Free Empathy Circle Facilitator Training" or here on PayPal.
2. Fill Out Session Feedback Survey
Cohort 5: Session Evaluation & Feedback https://j.mp/2RV9JsG
Please submit feedback regarding the Empathy Circle Facilitator Training Session that you have just completed, including feedback on Session structure, content, and instructors.
3. Empathy Buddy Calls
Finish up any Facilitator Community and Mutual Support Empathy Buddy Calls
4. See the Upcoming Empathy Circles and Events
Hope to see you at some of these.
5. Join the Empathy Circle Training Course (MOOC) Design Team
A MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. We are working on building an open-source empathy training course and you can help. The goal is to build a more global empathic society and culture for the wellbeing of all.
6. Train the Trainers
Take the training a few times so that you can then join a team and host the facilitation training.
I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Edwin Rutsch
Director: Center for Building a Culture of Empathy