12.06 3a


COHORT 12C:  Session 3 Assignments: 1). Survey 2). Challenges 3). Facilitate Circle  4). Buddy Call



Building a Culture of Empathy Together


Here are assignments to do before the next Session.

1. Fill Out Session Feedback Survey   


Please submit feedback regarding the Empathy Circle Facilitator Training Session that you have just completed. Post any questions and we will try to address them in the beginning of the next Session.  

2. Review and Document Empathy Circle Facilitation Challenges.

Challenges Catalog: Here is a list of facilitation challenges you may encounter

You can review these before the next Session. 

When you facilitate your Empathy Circle you will be able to dial up the level of challenge you want from

 ( )None, ( )Low, ( )Medium or ( )High.

Write down some facilitator challenges you have had or anticipate.

You can write at the end of the Challenges this document.  https://j.mp/3grmoOM 

and in the Session Feedback form.

Here is a video example of a  (x)High

Yes, it can get even more challenging. 


3. Hold an Empathy Circle with Family or Friends.

Try to facilitate an Empathy Circle with family, friends, etc. before the next Session. You just need to find 3 more participants. Sometimes it is hard to get them to take part. One way is to say you have this assignment for a workshop and it would be a big help to you if they took part.

Here Are Some Different Versions of the "How To Empathy Circle" Instructions.   http://bit.ly/EC-How 

And/Or Hold a One on One Empathic Listening with Family or Friends.

See this assignment instructions: https://j.mp/3dPElI7 

This assignment is to empathically listen to someone for an entire hour. If you are not able to find people to hold an Empathy Circle with, this could be an alternative exercise or in addition to that.  You empathically listen to someone just like in the Empathy Circle, but for a full hour. So to be clear, you are not taking turns like in an Empathy Circle, but are just listening for the full hour. 

> Report back on how it went in the next Session.

Share your approach for getting participants to take part and any challenges.

4. Your Next Empathy Buddy Call.

For more on support see,


We have paired you up with someone else in the training. Between now and the next Session, connect with that person you have been parted up with. Have at least a 30 minute mutual support call on Zoom, Skype, etc. 

Session 3: Your Empathy Buddies

> Report back on how it went in the next Session.

1.Trainer: Bill Filler - paddlinman@yahoo.com -  SF Bay, CA, USA If you are unable to have an empathy buddy call with your assigned person, you can check with Bill if he has time to do one.

2. Trainer: Selene Aitken - selene.aitken@gmail.com -  Ashland, Oregon, USA

Shannon McIntyre - slmcintyre.phd@gmail.com - Brattleboro, VT

3. Trainer: Rasha Kutty rasha@theempathyuniversity.com - Bangalore, India

Stephen Landau - landau.stephen@gmail.com - Santa Fe NM US  

4. Trainer: Graham Berends - grahamberends@gmail.com - Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Afrah Shareef - afrahnshareef@gmail.com - Calicut, INDIA

5. Francesca Castellano - fcastellano808@hotmail.com - Toronto, Ontario

LINDA  BASS -  adr4u2@gmail.com  - DFW TX , USA 

6. Ralph Galen - ralphgalen@gmail.com - Massachusetts, USA

Aljazi Al-Mubarak - Aljazi.mub@gmail.com - Khobar, Saudi Arabia

7. Kathy L Kidd  - kathy@peacealliance.org - Houston TX

Tiffany Mitchell - tiffanyunlimited@yahoo.com - Kansas city Missouri

8. Mona Abdelhady maa372@pitt.edu - Pittsburgh, PA  

Shyam Prasad - 88.shyampr@gmail.com - Bangalore, India

9. Kevin Patterson  - Kaven19@outlook.com  - Philadelphia 

 Michelle Grogan - fairygoodlistener@gmail.com - Pickering, ON, Canada 

10. Martina Dittmar  martinahaines@gmail.com   - Surry, Me , USA

Raed Hamzeh - raed.hamzeh@gmail.com - Phoenix Arizona, USA 

11.Trainee: Michelle Clarke - michelle.clarke@hotmail.com - Ireland 

Jacqueline Roche - ispeakcompassion@gmail.com  - Cape Town, South Africa 

12. Trainee:  Mina Patel - minapatel2014@gmail.com  (may not be able to do August 28)

Dawn Carrington   - dawnnlondon@gmail.com - London, UK

