Emails Template
Outline of Emails to Send Out.
0.01.2 Prep 2 - Welcome to Cohort
0.04 Ses. 1b - Reminder
0.03 1.Trainer Introduction for training Team
0.03 1.Trainer - Introduction for training Team
0.07 Ses. 3b - Reminder
0.09 Ses. 4b - Reminder
Quote: Rogers - Training - An empathic way of being can be learned from empathic persons.
Quote: Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Training
Quote: Rogers - Empathy is saying to someone: “I’m trying to be a companion to you in your search and your exploration.
Quote: Rogers - a listening, empathic approach leads to improved communication, to greater
Quote: Rogers - being empathic is a complex, demanding, strong yet subtle and gentle way of being
Quote: Rogers - The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance
Quote: .Rogers - "I believe I know why it is satisfying to me to hear someone.
Quote: Steinem Revolutionary
Quote: Fonda Revolutionary
Quote: Rogers - when a person realizes he has been deeply heard, his eyes moisten.
Quote: Rogers - When someone really hears you without passing judgment on you,
Quote: Rogers - "Being listened to by someone who understands makes it possible for persons to listen more accurately
Quote: Rogers - "A further element that establishes a climate for self-initiated, experiential learning is empathetic understanding.
Quote: Rosenberg - "With empathy we don't direct, we follow. Don't just do something, be there." Marshall
Quote: Rosenberg - "Postpone result/solution thinking until later; it's through connection that solutions materialize - empathy before education.
Quote: Oprah - Leadership
Quote: Dan Goleman - Leadership
Quote: Obama - up to you to make it happen