13.B Feedback
14 responses
What was most valuable about this Session for you?
The actual practice of empathy and getting clearer on some things I've been processing recently
Feeling more comfortable with the process
Practicing in the empathy circles themselves for 1 1/2 hours.
The authentic communication.
Understanding the alignment of empathy with my values.
I realized I need to make clear and ask people not to speak too fast from the beginning. I was too shy to point that out as I had trouble understanding one person speaking very fast until I was knackered.
The practice of describing the Empathy Circle structure to participants, and then the practice of serving as a facilitator for practice empathy circles were great!
practicing opening and facilitation a circle
Getting to facilitate
The challenges!
The way the facilitators created and stayed in their roles to give me great challenges.
The practice with challenges. It was really fun and provided a great opportunity to practice with low stakes (meaning there wasn’t a real disruptive!).
What would you change about the Session to make it better for you?
io break" - intermission / time away from screen
I can't think of anything I would change.
Nothing! Great first session!
I would have studied core values before the class.
I was engaged
See above. Or perhaps it would be easier if the facilitators helped with that especially when people attend who does not have English as their mother tongue. Yes, please, that would indeed be so helpful❤️ Might make it easier for people from more nations to dare to join?
Nothing. It was terrific!
Can't think of anything I would change.
A best practise kit of each role will help to understand the expectations from each role.
More challenge.
Nothing but I could have understood from the start that they would be role playing.
It was as per my expectations.
What questions are in your mind right now about facilitating Empathy Circles?
Wasn't clear on what we needed to prepare for next week, regarding giving an intro to a brief circle, I believe?
I think questions I have so far were answered.
I don’t have anything top of mind at the moment. I look forward to next week!
How I can be there each week.
-Is it appropriate to engage with people going through weak mental health because I am not a certified psychologist or psychiatrist.
How To create an empathic atmosphere when introducing
To learn the Pdf by heart so I can render it properly in Swedish and English in a Wayne that is easy to percept and understand
I think I just need practice practice practice. I can tell that the way this curriculum is broken down, into doable chunks with the experiential learning component, is *so powerful*. It is increasing my learning every week!
I don't have any.
Responsibilities and what not to do as a facilitator
I'm holding off until I get more experience under my belt. So far it is unfolding beautifully for me.
What is the process of seeking support of facilitation from the community
I don’t have any that are top of mind at this second.
What is a Empathy Circle Facilitation Challenge you have experienced, have seen or imagine having? Describe it and any questions, concerns, comments, ideas, etc. about it? (we will try to address those in the Session.)
I'm being present as we go along and so can't foresee anything at this moment.
Transition to a greater role without a computer.
How to introduce empathy as a value and empathy circle as a tool to new people.
How to deal when not being propert heard and feeling rude to correct, also how to pause
Not to twist / muddle reflections with own advice/ etc. To reflect people with another opinion in a fair way
I was in an Empathy Circle Cafe where a person came who was very negative about the process, who wouldn't go along with it, and who called it "like sales" and other things. It was a facilitator challenge that Bill (my small group facilitator) handled well, but that I'm sure was quite challenging. I would just like to think through how to approach something like that with empathy: how can you hear the person's concerns, without allowing them to derail the process for everyone else who came there to experience the circle? And how can you *try*, at least, to keep someone's negative energy from bleeding into others' experiences?
I can't think of any. I've seen the challenges listed on the site and know we are going to cover those.
I think the current challenge list is very thorough.
One that has gotten under my skin is a very intelligent and caring counselor who kept sending imogees (spelling) and writing in the chat line while being in the role of silent listener and then responded with her own personal views when in the role of listener. I don't want to discourage her caring and enthusiasm for the persons in question while bringing her back to being a more faithful participant. I've learned a lot from that experience.
I witnessed a challenge in an Empathy Circle Cafe where a participant didn’t like the method, and let her displeasure be known. Bill handled it beautifully!
Write a question you think we could add to this post-session survey
Are you willing to get participation in your own empathy circles without fear?
It’s fine
No idea.
I can't think of any!
Are you having fun? :-)
Did you have fun?
Where do you think you could apply your knowledge of Empathy Circles?
None that I can think of