12.E Apply
30 responses
Where did you take part in Empathy Circles and who facilitated them?
Karo, (Poland); Ann (Somerset), Dean (Plymouth?) from Mattermost's XR global channel
Participated in the trainee course last year
Online, with Edwin. In class or in the therapy room: I facilitated.
Online with those sponsored by Edwin Rutsch
I was part of the training awhile ago, and now have the time on Saturdays (yay!) to partake and commit fully to it.
Many - 12D, Democracy Circles -- many others and me.
Edwin Both
Edwin, Larry, Dr Golda
I will look to do this during July prior to start of next cohort
On-line, lead by various facilitators, Edwin included
Facilitator Training (many facilitators), Interfaith/No Faith Cafe (Edwin and others), District 11 Empathy Circle (Timothy Regan), The Prosperos Empathy Circle (I was the facilitator
Online via XR with Karo
Online - Zoom, Google Meet, etc - Sheima, Rasha, Sureyha, Graham, Prasanna, Edwin,...
online 30/06/22 facilitated by Karo and 02/07/22 facilitated by Edwin
Online / Larry / Judy
What is Alive for You? Empathy Cafe, Yaro
I plan to do my next one on the 17th of July
6 July 2022 online with Gabi Manchini and Dwayne Hearn. I aim to attend on 13 July also.
Nepal in physical and online with Shreeram Timilsina and Santoshi Timisina, International online with Bill and edwin
I am taking part in upcoming circles on Saturday 7/16 & 7/23
They were online and honestly i dont remember the names im sorry
Currently taking part at the "Health Education and Training Institute, Portland, Maine"
On Monday 27 June and 4th July on Zoom can't remember the facilitators names
Saturdays Empathy Cafe with Edwin R.
9/6/2021; don't recall facilitator; plan to attend circle on 7/30/22
Have visited many EC's over the last 2 years: facilitated by Edwin, Bill, Cat Spence, Ben Cramer, and Rasha, to name a few.
Online with Edwin
I have not yet attended any
Janna for the first one, Edwin for the second and I will take a third on Monday Aug 1
I havent yet
Why are you interested in becoming an Empathy Circle Facilitator?
I believe that listening is one of the missing links in good communication. Being a person who usually jumps in to finish peoples' sentences I find it imperative to really try to hear what a person is saying.
I am an educator and want to bring this important skill to my students.
So I can be a part of the culture of empathy.
It will be helpful to my organization, The Prosperos, and of benefit to me personally as well.
Great way to share the empathic listening
To grow my knowledge and help excell my group techniques.
I am wanting to start new groups and incorporate empathy circle into the group work.
I believe so
To give back to the community
I want to help spread the Empathy Circle movement.
I am part of XR Global Support Regen group
It is magical to see how being listening enables positive psychology and preempts various conflict, and helps in ego expansion or other maturity and growth,
I want to strengthen my emphatic listening skills, and facilitate listening space for my local community.
Share with my family friends. Help make a safe space for topics that are hard to discuss within church setting, work environment and family and friends
Having helpful conversations so I can help facilitate meaningful dialogue as a way to create community.
The method is relatively simple and effective in honouring each person's voice.
I am interested to be nonviolent to myself and others. I want to share happiness and good vibes to every beautiful soul.
I would like to educate others on empathy during my presentations
To bring into being more empathy and open hearing. It took attending a ptsd recovery program for me to find out that i had built up resentments that nobody really was hearing me
To continuously grow Empathy not only as a skill also as way of life.
Want to use the method in my teaching work for students.
Empower human potential
I practice NVC and this aligns with that practice
To deepen the skill of adminitering the empathic process.
If this is a future opportunity, yes
Use the skills to understand myself more, learn new empathy skills -to give myself and others empathy in different group dynamics that I take part of in my weekly life and with family/friends.
Where would you like to facilitate Empathy Circles?
Mostly online with a few other people because I'm disabled and try to reduce driving to help the planet's overwhelming carbon emission pollution
In my college.
Online or wherever else the opportunity presents itself.
Online with those sponsored by Edwin Rutsch
I have actually facilitated them at my work.
Online and in person; maybe The Peace Alliance, FDCW
In my Priviate Practice
Ithaca NY and online
Seattle region & possibly 1 in hometown of Buffalo NY
Austin, TX
Current Events in the World and in Your World
In unequal power structures, and where conflicts may exist - like workplaces, religious groups, other groups, etc
London in person or online internationally
Online and in person
Though our nonprofit organization, and at my school institution.
Wherever, whenever it is beneficial.
Chitwan, Nepal
Conferences, schools, etc.
Here in my city and through my spiritual tradition. I am also a veteran and fee that this would be good to bring to peer support meetings
Online Zoom for my meetup study group
Worldwide- virtual
Local library
Where people feel it would benefit them
Anywhere where people either wish to be heard or need to be heard.
Online and in Berlin, Germany
Unsure as it is my first time
Online through the Peace Alliance
To friends and to my eurythmy training group
What do you see as the benefits of Empathy Circles?
Better communication and understanding between people from all kinds of backgrounds, race, ethnicity, religion etc., as well as de-escalation in difficult situations
Students feel increasingly disconnected from themselves and each other and empathy circles can help them build relational skills .
Helping people learn to truly see and understand one another.
Improved listening skills and in turn better empathy skills
I want to combine this with the trauma informed and person centered priniciples.
Great tool for teaching and practicing empathic/active listening and growing/cultivating much needed empathy/compassion in our world
gaining insight, and really helping the person or persons with processing what is going on.
I see they begin to open people to the experience of authentic connection and personal healing
I see the benefits as multiple. For self the benefit is continued self learning & growth. Outside of self there is benefit of building healthy sense of community with other participants & adding healthy opportunities for people to learn from each other & grow together. I see many, many other potential benefits beyond the 2 noted. It gives a healthy option & outlet for people to discuss & consider seemingly opposing viewpoints, positions and world views. this is so needed at this point in history.
A better world of understanding and compassion
Learning how to listen. Being welcome in the lives of others. Welcoming others into your life.
A real chance to speak, be heard and practice active listening
Positive Psychology, can make various actions& interactions more meaningful, feeling of connectedness, aspects of mindfulness.
listening and being listened by others, seeing each other for who who we are, space for expressing yourself, strengthening connection, empathy, support, and belonging. Learning, from each other, exchanging wisdom, opening hearts to each others, improving listening and understanding skills in situation of conflict, mediation, cultivating equality, non division, no separation and acknowledging our differences and uniqueness.
Creating a place where everyone and anyone can feel seen and heard without judgement or fear of what others may say, think or feel about what is real for the person speaking
It is so needed in our time in order to establish sustainable changes in our movements and larger society. We need to move past listening to respond, and instead listen to understand.
A cross-cultural, non-hierarchical method for going deeper into a topic and encouraging the development of deep listening skills and honest self-reflection.
Keeps people happy and healthy
Encourages a safe space, provides the groundwork for building effective and meaningful communication, and enables understanding, growth, and action steps toward positive change.
The hearing of what others are saying, the removal of the listener making the topic be about themself
Shift in perspective, grows tolerance, inspiring
Great way to see what students have actually learnt from a talk and great for reinforcement of learning plus it build group connection.
Co-elevate, Accelerate and Innovate solutions to world problems when we see humanity I to eye.
To help build trust in relationships
Develop skills in reflective listening; increase focus and patience; building connection to others; experience feeling heard and understood and facilitating that experience for others; is a stepping stone to nonviolent conflict resolution
Creating a sense of safety; develops positive feelings such as trust, feeling heard, feeling that we matter. It creates a sense of being ready to collaborate, to be led: where can we go with our newly found connection?
Acquiring better listening skills, really paying attention to what others are saying, promoting better understanding, connecting people / bringing people closer together
I am going to school to become a therapist
Building empathy and listening
Benefits to learn about your needs how you want to receive empathy, how to understand other’s needs for it - different ways to give empathy, how to deepen the skills to deepen relationships.
Are there any questions that you think should be asked or improvements in this application? If so, what are they?
I had difficulty understanding the questionnaire because I live in Wales, UK and need to know if the start time is 6pm here on a Saturday. For me to commit I need to schedule around the course.
No it is a good application
Not at this time.
I like that the questions in the application are straightforward
No questions
I would ask demographics, so you can embed diversity of thought in your organization and measure what you treasure.
Any other questions or comments?
Thank you for this opportunity.
Not at this time. I think.
I am not sure at the moment if I will be able to attend the session on 20 August
Thank you!
especially looking forward to your sessions on "practice facilitation with challenges."
Looking forward to completing this session.
I'm looking forward to the diversity and dialogue with others passionate about empathic listening.
Not at this time. Will forward questions as needed.
Thank you !
I was a little unclear about this part of the questionnaire: To BE DETERMIND 1, Debermind 2, etc.
I am grateful for the training.
It is wonderful to be back! Can't wait to join you all again!
Not at this time. I think.
Looking forward to completing this session.
Thank you for this opportunity.